Book reveals countykeeps its customs

All those fearful of Sussex becoming an homogenised sprawl shorn of all the rich customs which give the county its identity can draw heart from a new publication detailing those that are still going strong.

The latest volume - written by Tony Foxworthy - in Country Books’ Folklore Of England series focuses on Customs In Sussex, Chichester Cathedral’s tradition of Blessing The Plough on Plough Sunday, the first Sunday after Twelth Night, is noted.

As Tony says: “At one time, all the farming communities would have had a Blessing of the Plough. The Plough Boys would take the decorated plough around the village to collect money for the Plough Lights. These were candles that were kept alight over the period of Plough Sunday/Monday and after, and as the candles continued to burn, this would ensure the Divine Blessing for the period.”

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