Controversial homeless shelter is '˜right thing to do' says Worthing's police commander

The new homeless shelter has divided opinion, but Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell (right) supports itThe new homeless shelter has divided opinion, but Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell (right) supports it
The new homeless shelter has divided opinion, but Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell (right) supports it
A controversial homeless shelter in Worthing has been backed by police district commander Miles Ockwell.

Since it was opened in April, the 38-bed temporary accommodation building in Lyndhurst Road has divided opinion, with some local residents saying they are afraid.

However Chief Inspector Miles Ockwell, who serves as district commander for Worthing, Adur and Horsham, is a staunch supporter of the venture.

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He told the Herald: “We are very supportive of the new hostel that was opened as a means of providing a long-term solution to some of the challenges that we have around this town in terms of homelessness.