Ninfield & Hooe village voice

On Saturday August 4, the Arthritis Research Lunch took place.

The lunch raised a fantastic £235 for Arthritis Research.The event went very well with good weather and good company. The organisers would like to thank Pete and Carol for hosting the event, who’s garden made a very pleasant venue. They would also like to thank all those who supported the event.

Ninfield Local History Group are hoping to arrange a visit to the Observer Corps Post which is in the grounds of the Reservoir (Ninfield) and would like to hear from any former member of the corps. Please contact Rod Ffoulkes on 893635.

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Ninfield Methodist Church’s recent Coffee Morning (August 4), in memory of Ron Wells, was attended by over 50 members of the family, friends & local people. Fubd raised from the event have enabled them to send donations of £75 to the Stroke Association and £75 to St. Michaels Hospice. The organisers would like to thank all those who supported the event.