CHURCHES: You will never be good enough for God

Littlehampton Churches TogetherLittlehampton Churches Together
Littlehampton Churches Together
What's so special about Jesus? What's the difference between Christianity and every other religion? These are very good questions.

As we’ve limited space, I’ll cut to the chase with two reasons why Christianity stands apart from other beliefs:

1. Jesus is God.

2. You will never be good enough for God.

Flix Gillett from Arun Community ChurchFlix Gillett from Arun Community Church
Flix Gillett from Arun Community Church

That’s it in a nutshell. Let’s look at number two first, as that sounds the harshest!

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Basically, whatever eternal reward you may be imagining, or whatever benefit you may be aspiring to in this life, you can’t earn it through being good.

This is why religious observance is not the be-all and end-all. If your belief system is about adhering to a set of rules or a pattern of behaviour, on the understanding that if you do it enough you can earn a reward either in this life or the next, you will always live with a sense of uncertainty that you’re never doing enough.

In one form or another, this is pretty much the common theme with every religion – “do this, earn that.”

But Jesus blows this system apart with some outrageous claims.

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