Does our children’s junk modelling need some quality control?

A work in progressA work in progress
A work in progress
Am I the only one who feels the need to assist in the quality control of their children’s junk modelling?

I’m not sure if it is because I’m a perfectionist, or it is because I have just gone mad, but I found myself up at 10.30pm last night painting and sticking together my daughter’s Roman villa to make sure it looked ‘nice’ – or as nice as paper-covered cereal boxes can look.

Now before anyone worries that I have completely taken over my girl’s little project let me assure you she has been a full collaborator in the model extravaganza (okay, I admit with a few suggestions from me).

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I mean, she drew on the windows and doors so that we could talk about the materials used in Roman times. Of course, the fact they are far from straight messes with my OCD brain – but she did it!

She also painted the roof and the columns for the veranda – paint was obviously everywhere, but anyway.....

But when it came to putting it together I thought this was a job firmly in mummy territory – not least because having glue all over the carpet will probably tip me over the edge.

And so when my little darlings were tucked up in bed, the work stuff was put away, the washing up done and the house (sort of) put back together I found myself spending my evening gluing and sticking together the various boxes to create a beautiful structure that she (and me) would be proud of.

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Now obviously the thought of ‘what am I doing?’ did cross my mind as I chose this activity over winding down in front of the TV or reading my book (or sleeping).

But I was proud of my, I mean her, creation as it all started to come together.

I had left room for her to create a pond, which Romans often had in villas apparently, as well as room for mosaics and plants which she would be able to carefully craft before we attach the veranda when she is all finished.

And she was thrilled this morning – even gasping at how good it was – as she enthusiastically grabbed a paint brush to start slapping on the paint for the pond.

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So with paint flying everywhere I had to take another step back or my OCD/quality control/need to take over would end up getting the better of me.

I’ll see what creativeness we end up with, and I’m sure she will be delighted with the results.

I just need to resist the urge to perfect it at the end!