Hellingly and Horsebridge

Hellingly & Horsebridge newsHellingly & Horsebridge news
Hellingly & Horsebridge news
FRIEND’S: The Friends of Hellingly Church next event is at Broad Farm on April 7 from 1pm to 3pm. Ploughman’s Lunch and a talk on Broad Farm and Farming.

MEN’S BREAKFAST: The next Men’s Breakfast will be held on February 9 at 9am, Chapter 12, High Street, Hailsham. The speaker will be Peter Staley, title to be announced. Please let Graham (840915) know if you would like to come.

VICAR VACANCY: There have been several questions as to how the parish is getting on with finding a new Vicar. What we can tell you is that we have now formally received from the Diocese instructions to appoint two parish representatives and draw up a Parish Profile. The PCC had already started on this process and the draft wording for the Profile will be sent to the Diocese by the end of the week and the parish representatives will be confirmed at the PCC meeting during this week. Currently the date for any interviews has been set by the Diocese to be during March. More updates as we hear more.