A dismal display by residents...

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
What a dismal turnout for one of the most important town polls Littlehampton has recently had.

I am talking about the 83.89 per cent of the inhabitants of Littlehampton who could not be bothered to go and vote in the Littlehampton Neighbourhood Plan referendum last week.

Thankfully, it was passed by a large percentage of those who did vote and should protect Littlehampton from some of the excessive planning zeal of Arun District Council.

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But, it is hardly a ringing endorsement of the plan when only 13.78 per cent of the electorate voted to pass it.

I can understand that political polls can lead to such apathy but this poll was a lot more important.

Come on Littlehampton – You can and should do better than this. Have your voice heard in future.

Robin Hollister

Irvine Road


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