A ‘nightmare’ of a housing vision for Chichester – reader’s letter

An aerial view of Chichester Cathedral.
 Photograph: Allan Hutchings/ Hilsea PortsmouthAn aerial view of Chichester Cathedral.
 Photograph: Allan Hutchings/ Hilsea Portsmouth
An aerial view of Chichester Cathedral. Photograph: Allan Hutchings/ Hilsea Portsmouth
Writes Mike Dicker, of Mere Close, Bracklesham Bay

In his letter, Geoff Conway proposes the terrible prospect of a ‘conurbation stretching from ‘Fishbourne to east of Tangmere’, which sounded horrendous, and to describe the A27 and sewage problems as ‘very fixable’ shows a great deal of naivety.

Most of us accept the need for more housing, but these ‘fixable’ solutions should come first.

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