LETTER: Disclosures about Tory activities

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It was insightful to read a recent entry on Facebook (posted 21.2.15, 4pm) by the dumped Tory councillor Jim Rae – now to my horror, apparently standing as an independent MP for Horsham! - in as much as what he didn’t say.

Cllr Rae wrote ‘My thanks to The Campaign for Rural England for hosting a well-managed meeting and conducted hustings in the Drill Hall in Horsham today. I believe that with the breadth and depth of my responses and arguments to questions I have proved beyond doubt that I am a legitimate candidate/choice for the Parliamentary seat of Horsham. Roll on the next hustings, roll on the mass distribution of my manifesto. As a feisty LOCAL candidate who will fight for the residents of Horsham, as I am highly aware of the LOCAL issues as well as the National ones - I believe I am a credible choice for people’s votes!’

Cllr Rae - self-belief is a wonderful thing... just ask your friend Cllr Helena Croft chancing her arm in Henfield after similarly being dumped.

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However, I’m sure Horsham constituents would be more interested to read your disclosures about what went on over the last terrible 12 months for the Tories behind the scenes under the Tory whip and the direct threat of punishment that you issued in your now infamous Minutes of 23 June 2013 where you wrote ‘Members are advised that voting against a group majority decision is not an option- unless they accept that group disciplinary proceedings will immediately follow’.

Come on Jim, tell all!


Rusper Road, Horsham

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