LETTER: Key questions over ill-considered plan

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I decided to attend the HDC public exhibition in Swan Walk with the expectation of obtaining answers and explanations in regard to my concerns with the proposed North Horsham development.

On arriving it became apparent that there was no representative from the developer who I believe put the proposals together (Liberty Property), any councillor who voted for the proposal or any representative who was adequately informed to give any satisfactory answers to even the most basic question. The experience has left me frustrated and even more concerned in regard to the level of thought that HDC has put into this process.

As a result of my experience I have listed the questions I asked and in summary the responses received with the hope that somebody at HDC can advise me if these are correct or advise me when or where I can get answers to my concerns.

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Q1, I live in Holbrook (we have two young children) and one of the main factors in moving to this area was that it’s in the catchment area for Millais and Forest Boys, how will the development affect this?

Answer, we are not really sure yet. We (HDC) are in discussions with Millias and Forest Boys which have excellent Offsted reports, to partner with the new school, therefore you shouldn’t have worries in regard to the quality of school your children may attend.

Q1 (follow up) Can you advise me of what’s being discussed and how I can find out more?

A. More information may become available during the final planning application.

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Q2. Referring to the map of the development. As a commuter a key choice when we chose our current property was the proximity to Littlehaven train station, how will the development effect my commute? The new train station shown is nowhere near the main housing for the development? Have Network Rail approved these plans?

A. Network Rail have approved a new train station and will be shutting Faygate to ensure that the network in not slowed down.

Q. Isn’t the new train station part of the Kilnwood Vale development?

A. Yes, but we will probably also get a new station in North Horsham!

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Q. Why is the new train station as shown so far away from the main bulk of housing?