
Staplecross newsStaplecross news
Staplecross news
COMMUNITY NEWS & REVIEWS: “CHURCH BELL RINGERS APPEAL” ~ Excuse the pun - no joke or insult intended, but the request has gone out that the friendly folk of bell-ringers, ( Campanologists - to the uninitiated !) who ring the bells at our lovely churches in Bodiam, Ewhurst Green and Northiam. are looking to welcome and encourage more people to come along and join their band. This will enable them to continue to ring regularly throughout these villages. Anyone between the ages of 18 to the grand old age of 80 are invited to get in touch and come along, have a chat and have a ‘try out’ ! Short, 30 minute ‘Taster Sessions’ are available - prior to the group’s practise times - and/or during their practise evenings and additional practise times to begin with, may be possible by agreed arrangements. These practise evenings are on a Thursday between 7 ~ and they alternate between the churches on a week-by-week basis. The bells at Bodiam are of a lighter weight - therefore more experience is needed here, so a little reprieve is granted to begin with !. No experience is necessary as all tuition will be given, You don’t need to be musical - You don’t need to commit to ringing every Sunday - You don’t need to attend the church service after the ringing finishes - but you may like to join the other ‘ringers’ following their practise - for a pleasant while down at the local pubs ! This is a friendly, flexible group who ring purely for pleasure. So if you’d like to find out more about this group and just what’s involved, then please contact Judith on: 07445~271476 or via her email:[email protected] This could be just pure music to your ears !

ROTHER RAMBLERS: Once more, two more walks are offered up for our enjoyment and Walk No: 1 is planned for Saturday April 6th and has the intriguing title of “ Rural Polegate Before It Becomes Developed”. This is a six mile circular walk around Polegate and the meeting point is to be outside Polegate Railway Station. OS.EXP123. (OL25) TQ582048, (satnav BN26 6DU) at a slightly later time of 10.15am. The walk notes state ‘There will be a refreshment stop’. Your ‘walk leader’ for this little jaunt is to be John H and you may contact him 01424~773998 for all further information. Walk No: 2 is arranged for Wednesday April 10th and is to be a little 7.5 circular mile meander of Winchelsea and Icklesham. As usual when organising a walk in this area, the meeting place will be the layby by the toilets in Winchelsea town. OS.EXP 125. TQ904175. (satnav TN36 4AB) at the normal time of 10.00am. A picnic lunch is again suggested. Rita and Clive are to be your ‘walk leaders’ for this wander and you may contact them on: 01424~882674 or Mobile: 07969~446867 for more details. EWHURST PARISH COUNCIL --ANNUAL PARISH ASSEMBLY. This will take place this year on Tuesday April 9th in the Village Hall, Northiam Road, Staplecross TN32 5QG. at 7.15pm. Please come along early- from 6.45pm - as this will give you chance to not only visit the display stalls set out on behalf of our some of our many local social clubs and groups, showing a glimpse of what is available, - but will also give you the opportunity to meet your local Parish Councillors, together with representatives from both Rother District Council, Mr Tony Ganly and East Sussex County Council, Mrs Angharad Davies. Arriving early will also allow you plenty of time to partake of the delicious and very much appreciated refreshment buffet available for all to enjoy, kindly laid on by our own local W.I. ladies. This evening is always well attended, so do allow plenty of time to ‘mingle’ before the meeting begins in promptly and in earnest at 7.15pm. Your questions and/or comments will be allowed and welcomed, at the appropriate intervals within the Agenda. This Assembly is open to both the Public and Press alike and all will be most warmly welcomed.

TALKS @ ST. JAMES: How quickly the time goes now, especially now we are in the ‘Summer Time Zone’ and it doesn’t seem 5 minutes since our last ‘talk’ - but here we are, once again and this time the talk will be of those amazing and dedicated folk at “The Friary Gardens”. Taking place on Wednesday April 10th beginning at 7.00pm at St. James the Great church, Ewhurst Green. - Kelly - the Manager of this truly inspiring group of people will tell us all about this ‘Garden Nursery - with a difference’ This is a ‘Not For Profit’ organisation which is run as part of ‘The Parchment Trust’ and offers horticultural training and greater independence for those with learning difficulties within the Hastings and Rother areas. I have listened to Kelly and seen her in action with her ‘Pals’ and she is not only a joy to behold but is a genuinely lovely woman who truly cares about her ‘trainees’ ! To see this little patch of almost scrubland become a delightful and much loved garden nursery- not only by the people who purchase the produce but also by those that till it’s soil, is a very humbling experience. The gardeners’ of Friary Gardens take such pride and joy in their work, in their surroundings and in the independence that being part of this nursery gives them. There will be a wide variety of plants for sale following this talk, all at very competitive prices which will all go back to The Gardens. There will not be an admission charge for this talk, - but any donation towards the continuation of this worthwhile charity, will be very much appreciated. All will be made very welcome here and refreshments will be served as normal.

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EWHURST, STAPLECROSS & BODIAM GARDEN SOCIETY -- SPRING SHOW. This marks the 1st in our Yearly Horticultural Shows for our marvellous little local Garden Society. Taking place on Thursday April 11th this will take place in the Village Hall, Northiam Road, Staplecross TN32 5QG at 7.45pm.If you haven’t a schedule, then you can obtain one from the local Londis store, or contact one of the Committee Members, named below. Staging will be between 6.30pm and 7.15pm -only - after which the society will welcome our superb speaker for the evening Mrs Irene Eltringham-Willson who will delight - and shock us - with her talk for tonight entitled “Opening a Garden for the N.G.S.” - but although this may be subject to change, -all of Irene’s talk are varied and of great interest and enjoyment to all. Irene is a very knowledgeable and delightful speaker while the many varied spring flowers on display will fill your heart with joy at the sight and scent of them as they begin to fill the hall with their magic. Everyone is welcome to come along - with or without an entry to exhibit and for all further information, please contact either Sec. (Peter) on 01580~830316 or either of the Show Secretaries (Pam) on 01580~881839 or (Maggie) on 01580~830041) We all look forward to seeing you here.

STAPLECROSS BOWLS CLUB: ADVANCE NOTICE - To mark the beginning of the club’s new playing season of 2019 and to welcome back their members this friendly local outdoor bowls club will be holding a ‘Coffee Morning’ for their members on Saturday April 13th at 10.30am at their Club premises on Northiam Road, Staplecross TN32 5QH. This little gathering will also welcome any new members and potential players who may be interested in joining the club. This may be of particular interest to new residents to our parish. Whether you have played before, are experienced or a novice or know absolutely nothing about this sport, this could be the perfect opportunity to take up this social, slow, but skilful sport whilst enjoying being out in the fresh air. If you are unable to attend on this date, - a ‘New Members Evening’ has also been arranged for the same purpose. This will take place on Friday April 26th at 6.00pm also at the club’s own grounds. Either of these dates are open to anyone considering a new sport, where you can talk to any member of just what’s involved and have a free ‘taster session’ to decide for yourself. There is no need to book, - just arrive and join in !. Please wear (or bring) flat, heelless comfy shoes as only this type are allowed on the greens. Contact can be made to the club’s Captain - Terry on 07958~530632 for any further information. All will be made very welcome.

CHURCH SERVICES: Church services for the parish of Ewhurst will commence at St. James the Great, Ewhurst Green on Sunday April 7th. Lent 5. at 9.30am. This will include Holy Communion (BCP). A Family Service at St. Giles church, Bodiam will follow at 11.15am. This service will also include Holy Communion. There will be NO SERVICE at St. Mark’s church, Staplecross today. In case you may be unaware, on Wednesday and Thursday morning - ‘MORNING PRAYER’ is now being held in St. James the Great, Ewhurst Green every week on these days at 8.30 am. ‘EVENING PRAYER’ is also being held every Thursday evening at 6.00pm. in St. Giles church, Bodiam. Do join us if you wish. - everyone is most welcome. If there is any church matter on which you fell you may need further assistance - especially Baptisms - Weddings - and sadly - Funerals, then do please get in touch with our Priest-in-Charge - Cannon Christopher Irvine on 01580~830925. Help in some way is always at hand and so generously given so please do contact him.

PLEASE CONTACT ME: If you are arranging an event in the foreseeable future, --- whatever the nature of the event and however large or small and you’d like some extra free coverage for it, - courtesy of the Observer Newspaper - then do please get in touch. If it’s of interest to you, - it’s of interest to us. It’s never too early to send in any of the details and to tell us what you are planning. Many of you will be turning your thoughts to other events in the near future, indoors or out as Spring and new growth is given a helping hand as we are now into Summer Time. Hopefully the milder weather slowly -but surely - will bring us proof that the better weather is actually on it’s way. Please do contact me, as I’d love to hear from you and to help ‘spread the word’ on your behalf. ..........Thank You.