Newhaven Town Council’s opinion holds no weight in planning decisions

Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility SUS-151109-170641001Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility SUS-151109-170641001
Newhaven Energy Recovery Facility SUS-151109-170641001
I am disappointed to read the letter from Mrs Doris Myles criticising Newhaven Town Councillors on planning issues but it does give me an opportunity to explain the local planning procedure.

Newhaven Town Council are only consultees on planning matters with the final decisions being made by Lewes District Council or East Sussex County Council.

Newhaven Town Council has vigorously opposed both the incinerators, the concrete plant, the Tarmac plant etc, but we were only one councillor on the East Sussex Planning Committee.

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Despite voting against the various developments mentioned, councillors from various towns in East Sussex voted for them, including the medical waste incinerator.

Mrs Myles, we all live in Newhaven and certainly did not want a medical incinerator, nor do we want the noisy, polluting types of development that have happened in recent years. We have argued for a long time for green, marine and high tech businesses in the town.

Town councillors give their time for free and although you may not see them, you are always welcome at council meetings where we welcome comments from the public on planning matters.

If this is not possible please contact us by email, phone or by personal visits. Please be assured that as residents we are just as concerned about issues of pollution and the environment and want to see Newhaven develop into a town that people want to visit, live in and be proud of.

Cllr Graham Amy

Court Farm Road
