Update: Business leader backs Manor Royal staff call for cycle path

Rosemary French, OBE, Executive Director, Gatwick Diamond Initiative
jpco-17-12-14-RosemaryFrench SUS-141012-151725001Rosemary French, OBE, Executive Director, Gatwick Diamond Initiative
jpco-17-12-14-RosemaryFrench SUS-141012-151725001
Rosemary French, OBE, Executive Director, Gatwick Diamond Initiative jpco-17-12-14-RosemaryFrench SUS-141012-151725001
Manor Royal employees have called for a cycle path along the A264 between Crawley and Horsham.

Gatwick Diamond Business Initiative’s executive director Rosemary French OBE raised the issue at a Horsham District Cycling Forum (HDCF) meeting last night (Tuesday April 5).

Ms French said she ‘shocked’ fellow cycle campaigners by insisting on the plan during a discussion over options for a route between the towns.

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She said: “I strongly believe that we need to have the cycle route track on the A264.”

Ms French backed managing directors and workers from several Manor Royal companies’ calls for a commuter-friendly route along the A264. She said she was determined to see it built because funds were available for it through the Capital to Coast Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

She urged Horsham campaigners at the meeting who were instead calling for a cyclepath via an A264 underpass dubbed the ‘Missing Link’ to throw their weight behind the plan.

She said: “It’s absolutely critical - we are in a new age of sustainable transport.