COURT RESULTS: From the local magistrates' court from October 4-11

Court news.Court news.
Court news.
October 4:

Romeo Birina, 47, of Kingston Road, Eastbourne, has pleaded guilty to driving a Suzuki Swift on Percival Road, Eastbourne, on September 16, while more than three times over the drink drive limit. 
He gave a breath alcohol reading of 120 micrograms. The legal limit is 35 micrograms. 
He was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for one year, and banned from driving for three years. Magistrates said the reason for the sentence was the high reading and the fact that there was a child in the car at the time. 
The court also made a community order.

Matthew Phiri, 22, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to being in possession of a quantity of cocaine. The offence took place at Eastbourne Custody Centre on September 14. 
He also pleaded guilty to obstructing a police officer on the same date. 
He was fined £80 for each offence.

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Jamie Hubbard, 36, of Priory Road, Langney, Eastbourne, pleaded guilty to stealing three bottles of alcohol, worth £86, from Tesco, at Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, on September 16. 
He was given a one-year conditional discharge.

October 11:

Andrew Goddard, 31, of Criers Lane, Five Ashes, Mayfield, pleaded guilty to driving a Vauxhall Corsa on Cunningham Drive, Eastbourne, on September 27, while over the drink drive limit. 
He gave a breath alcohol reading of 50 micrograms. The legal limit is 35 micrograms. 
He was fined £150 and banned from driving for one year.

Tanaka Shoniwa, 23, of Channel View Road, Eastbourne, pleaded guilty to driving a Mazda car on Southdown Road, Eastbourne, on May 26, with cannabis in her blood stream. She was fined £150 and her driving record endorsed with ten penalty points.

Ethan Haizelden, 18, of Langney Road, Eastbourne, pleaded guilty to causing £5,633.43 of damage to a property belonging to the Stonham Home Group. The offence took place at Eastbourne on November 28 last year. 
He also admitted being in breach of a conditional discharge, made by an earlier court, for causing £5,000 damage to the YMCA at Eastbourne. 
The court made a community order with a requirement of 80 hours of unpaid work and ordered him to pay £170 compensation.

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Matthew Miles, 28, of Swallowtail Road, Horsham, pleaded guilty to driving a BMW on the A22 at Polegate, on August 11, with cocaine in his blood stream. 
The court made a community order with a requirement of 80 hours of unpaid work.
The court also banned him from driving for one year.