Let us hope a plan is in place

Rye and Battle Observer lettersRye and Battle Observer letters
Rye and Battle Observer letters
From: Bill Wicking, Rock Lane, Hastings

Let us hope, with the approach of Hastings week, that our council will rapidly address the problem of the lack of toilet facilities for the principal event, the Hastings bonfire celebrations.

This does not only attract hundreds of other visiting bonfire society members but several thousand residents and visitors.

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The toilets adjoining Pelham car park are quite inadequate for these numbers and a suitable number of Portaloos are required – whether these are situated to the east or west of the firesite is up to the organisers – plus a couple on the firesite for the bonfire members who have walked two miles around the route.

Before we have our council members saying we can’t afford it, let us remember the savings generated by the closure of the Harold Place toilets.

We are aware of the great importance the Town Publicity department places on 1066, but there is no reason to revert to the hygiene standards of that time.

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