LETTER: Get involved with voters’ concerns

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Has Horsham MP Francis Maude MP signed your Free Speech Charter? I understand that he has not.

So why give him the freedom of your pages to write whatever he wants to write about each week in the Horsham edition? Last week he told us of visits to local schools, to Gatwick Airport and to Billingshurst.

What he hasn’t done is get involved with the concerns of his electorate in North Horsham about HDC’s flawed housing and economic plan.

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His fellow MPs in Mid Sussex have openly opposed the targets for housing in their constituencies and held a special debate in Westminster.

So far as I can see Mr Maude has done nothing – and his diary confirms that he spent a day in Horsham avoiding the issue.

He probably thinks he is still in one of the safest Tory seats in the country and if he keeps quiet about housing in the north of his constituency, those in the south will support him at the next election.

We shall see. Does Mr Maude want to go down as the MP whom the public believed did nothing while the north of his constituency was despoiled?


Kestrel Close, Horsham