LETTER: The public mood has changed

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Your letters
I was most interested to read your editorial ‘Earthquake shatters predictable politics’ (May 29).

You wrote: ‘...voters are sending a clear message to politicians… Given recent events in the district Tories at the top of Horsham District Council should take note’.

No doubt Cllrs Dawe, Croft, Vickers, Rae, Baldwin, Connelly and O’Connell who pushed through their politically driven collaborative venture with the US company Liberty to swamp North Horsham with housing and commercial development taxing the infrastructure to the limit – will be consoling themselves with the 2015 elections being a year away.

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Will people have forgotten? I don’t think so. So far as local elections are concerned, those who voted UKIP in the recent May European elections may very well do the same in May 2015. The public mood has changed.

As Derek J. Santer said in his letter ‘Politicians ignore voter discontent... hopefully we will have some different councillors that represent the people who voted them in’.


New Moorhead Drive, Horsham